Explainer Scissors, glue or white-out? Using the CRISPR pencil-case Since the original demonstration that CRISPR-Cas9 can be used to induce targeted changes in a cell's genome, there has been an explosion of new versions and variations of different CRISPR systems. While some
Grant Australian Academy of Science funds cloud-analytics platform to support COVID-19 recovery in the Asia-Pacific region. The Australian Academy of Science in partnership with the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources has funds the Transformational Bioinformatics group to develop a cloud-based platform for the secure and robust sharing
Conference Single Cells, Structural Variants and Tomatoes - AGTA2019 recap What conference mentions tomatos and genomics in the same talk? Read about what happened at #agta19
Interview Team Spotlight: Laurence Wilson Interview with Laurence Wilson: Find out what this coffee-drinking science-nomad got settling down.
Explainer What is Digital Genome Engineering? New genome engineering technologies have great potential yet face several obstacles. Digital techniques can help overcome these challenges.